Hello my name is rage, you are probably thinking just
about nowthat who named this girl. Well I have always had that question
on mymind as well. From what I remember about my childhood (which I
might addis not much) is mostly living in this house with about thirty
other kidsthat did not have parents either and we lived off our
worldwide drugElate, bread and water. I was told from the older kids
that my motherdropped me off there one day she told the kids that she
had beendiagnosed with AIDS, and she was going to murder herself. So my
bestfriend her name was Sky, she was one of the older kids and she took
careof me for my early years. I lived there until I was about 16, then
Imoved in with Jeremy, my boyfriend and started a family. Anyway back
toour drug Elate, you may have an idea what this drug is I have no idea
ifit will sill exist when you receive this letter or you may have
neverheard of the drug before. So let me explain. It is what I have
heardthat people used to call "cocaine" or something in that form. And I
havealso heard that people used to actually pay for this stuff, and
used togo in "jail" if they were caught with it or on it. Well now a day
it iscompletely different, we have to be on it twenty-four hours a day,
seventimes a week, etc. The drug Elate, it brings all the others and me
sucha high, and has got me through some pretty bad times in my life.
Youalready know my mother died from it, using the needle method, and
Ipresume my father did also; that is why we start our lives so early
inthis society. The older kids have prepared us that our lives only
lastabout forty years, if we are lucky. But forty years of being high;
thatis the way I want to live my life. Who really like's reality in
thefirst place. The only down sides of this drug are my nose hurts all
thetime and I do not really sleep, nor eat much, the drug make me
feelfull. It is our choice weather we want to sniff the stuff or inject
itor do both. I personally switch with both methods every few months.
Theone thing that I do not do is share needles, that is the huge down
sideor injecting, some people are so stupid. Well I think I
should talk about the world today that is thepoint of this letter. Well
none of my friend's have parents; actually afew still do that are in
critical condition. They have either died fromheart failure or caught
the AIDS disease from needles. I think sometimeswhen I am on a bad trip
about the future and how I will not see my kidsfar into the future. I do
get sad, but at least I know that there livescan not turn out bad, I
have lived the same the same life they may live,maybe there's will be
better, but maybe not. Of course I hope the bestfor them and will do all
that I can for them while I am still around. Well I am not
employed but my boyfriend is, he is employed at afactory that makes
shawkers. If you do not know what shawkers are theyare shoes that walk
for you with mechanical little legs that move. Theywere just brought out
a few years ago so people would not have to walkanymore. The main
reason also for these shoes was because people wouldjust walk into
things and end up hurt or knocked out, so these shoeslook you. Also
there are no such things are "auto's" I think they werecalled, because
people who are high can not drive properly and thepopulation decreased
vastly, after the new law passed about Elate. To sum up the law so
you can understand it exactly is pretty muchthis, it based on age and
the amount of Elate you can consume withouthaving heart failure or
anything else going wrong internally andexternally. Between the ages of
1-6 they are only aloud on 10-15 mg aday this group is called LSD. From
the ages of 7-11 the minimum would be30-40 mg a day and this group is
called the maryjanes. And between theages 11-16 (18 if female) on a
minimum of 70-100 mg this group is calledHero. And 16+ (18+ of girl) on
150-300 minimum mg a day this sections iscalled E. I am still in the
Hero group because I am 17 and I have another yeartill I am in the E
group. I have heard from people that Hero is a shortform for "heroin"
which used to be a drug. All other drugs were wipedout when they passed
the law nobody wanted anything else but Elate. Andalso if you are caught
without Elate in your blood you are killed on thespot. I do not
understand the people that do not want to be on the drug,it gives me
rushes of excitements and confidence in myself. And I seelife more
clearly when I am on Elate and I feel smarter. I have been with the
same boyfriend since I was 11. I have known himall my life; we lived in
the same home that I was brought to when I wasa baby. Then later Jeremy
moved out when at the age of twelve and got ajob and got an apartment
with a few other guys. And that is where I livenow, and we are getting
married there in two days. I heard from theolder kids that there used to
be some pre-marriage thing, well that doesnot exist anymore. You just
get married when you want to and where youwant, and there is no legal
procedure anymore when you get married. AlsoDivorce does not exist any
more in our society; people haven't had adivorce in over forty years. If
you are experiencing unhappiness in yourmarriage you go see a councilor
and they either up your dose of Elate orlower it, of either you or your
husband. Who ever in the marriage isfeeling the problems? I have
only had two great tragedies in my lifetime that is a lotour society;
most tragedy's do not hit people. One was when my bestfriend who's name
was sky, whom I have been best friend with since I wasborn. About three
months ago she decided that she wanted to risk herlife and try a day
without being high, even though this was hard to getoff of it, she did
it and was sober for one month. People started tocatch on because Elate
is delivered to your house every other morningand she would not take it.
When the police found out around one and halfmonths ago they went to
her house and killed her on the spot. This wasvery sad to me because she
was my best friend and she was like mymother, she was five years older
than me and she took care of me till Iwas old enough to take care of
myself. She had no parents either so shenew what is was like. I never
understood why she would want to risk herown life just to be sober. And
when she told me her idea in thebeginning I had no idea it would go this
far, I thought she would onlybe sober for one or two days no more, why
would you want be? The only other thing was when my first child who
was named Draw; hewas only one year of age. And he went to someone's
doorstep and stoletheir Elate, and took more than he could handle for
his poor little bodyand had died from heart failure. And at that point
in my life I was only14, so this tragedy hit me hard, and made Jeremy
and I think howimportant our children our to us. We are different from
all our friendsin that way, they all have kids and dump them off in a
home or out themon the streets, I believe otherwise. I have really
thought about life in general lately. Especially whenI take more mg of
Elate, I believe that there are only three importantthings in my life.
Elate, my boyfriend, and my children. That is allthat matters to me and
pretty much to every average Joe you would runinto on these streets. I
could never imagine those people in the olddays that could live without
Elate. It keeps all of us going and sane,and obviously someone realized
that or it would not be what we live for.Or what some people die for.
And I know that because we take Elateknowing that our lives are
shortened because of it, but it is worth isevery minute of it. As I
said before I have know idea what your lifetime is like, or ifit is
exactly the same. In a way I hope It is different, because maybeby then
they can find a drug that is just the same but does not do thatmuch
damage to a person, and could maybe let them live longer. Youprobably
had no idea opening up a time capsule like this that therewould be a
write up, but because in our society we do not have muchinformation
about the lifetimes before us I thought I would contributeto the future,
in my own little way. Sincerely,Rage Regal
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